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Avoid dead code

Don't leave commented out blocks in your code. If for some reason you want to do so, then leave a comment at the top explaining your reason ; otherwise it is very hard for readers to know what the purpose of that code is and what to do with it : is it still relevant ? is it another option ? or is it just junk ?

Example from real code from a company whose name I shall not mention:

void Start()
// Utils.SetEnglishLanguage();

// SetupSavedReportsFolder();

// var commandLine = GetCommandLine();
// _commandLineArguments = new CommandLineArguments(commandLine);

// // set a specific GUID for the first report
// if (_commandLineArguments.ContainsKey("ReportGuid"))
// BloombergUnityClient.Instance.ReportGuid = Guid.Parse(_commandLineArguments["ReportGuid"]);

// // set a specific address to send the report to.
// if (_commandLineArguments.ContainsKey("ServerAddress"))
// BloombergUnityClient.Instance.config.bloombergServerHost = _commandLineArguments["ServerAddress"];

// // set a specific TCP port to send the report to.
// if (_commandLineArguments.ContainsKey("ServerPort"))
// BloombergUnityClient.Instance.config.bloombergServerPort = Convert.ToUInt16(_commandLineArguments["ServerPort"]);

// // set the Transmission mode to be use to send the report
// if (_commandLineArguments.ContainsKey("TransmissionMode"))
// BloombergUnityClient.Instance.config.transmissionMode = (BloombergTransmissionMode) Enum.Parse(typeof(BloombergTransmissionMode), _commandLineArguments["TransmissionMode"]);

// // URL to use to get temporary access to write objects (breport)
// if (_commandLineArguments.ContainsKey("S3_MainAPIUrl"))
// BloombergUnityClient.Instance.S3_MainAPIUrl = _commandLineArguments["S3_MainAPIUrl"];

// // MyServices specific to initialize the session
// if (_commandLineArguments.ContainsKey("US_ApplicationId"))
// {
// try
// {
// _myServices = new MyServices();
// _myServices?.Initialize(_commandLineArguments["US_ApplicationId"], _commandLineArguments["US_Email"], _commandLineArguments["US_Password"]);
// }
// catch (Exception e)
// {
// Debug.LogWarning($"MyServices creation failed /r/n {e}");
// }
// }

Application.logMessageReceivedThreaded += OnLog;