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Making 🎨 with 👩‍💻

p6 is designed to be very easy to use. Here is all the code you need to create a window:

#include <p6/p6.h>

int main()
    auto ctx = p6::Context{{1280, 720, "Hello p6"}}; // Create a context with a window
    ctx.start();                                     // Start the p6 application

And with just a little more code you can draw a circle:

#include <p6/p6.h>

int main()
    auto ctx   = p6::Context{{1280, 720, "Hello p6"}};
    ctx.update = [&]() {                    // Define the function that will be called in a loop once you call ctx.start()
        ctx.background({0.5f, 0.3f, 0.8f}); // Clear the background with some color (Try to comment out this line to see what happens){ctx.mouse()}, // Draw a circle centered on the mouse cursor
                   p6::Radius{0.3f});       // with a radius of 0.3